Information reaching this publication indicates that Malawi Congress Party candidate Willard Gwengwe in the Dedza Central Constituency by-elections has been chased at Chitowo Polling Station.

According to an eyewitness, Gwengwe invaded the polling station with an aim of bribing voters to vote for him.

Presiding officer Daniel Chizuzu and all three party monitors: Mackson Isaac for MCP, Augustine Mkomba for independent candidate and Happy Amon for Democratic Progressive Party confirmed in separate interviews at the polling station and said they did not know what his mission was.

He is also said to have brought ‘his’ monitors but they were rejected.

The MCP monitor, Isaac, said Gwengwe came to meet his monitors but said what he did was wrong.

“That’s why he left after being told to leave,” Isaac said.

At Kangulu Village Polling Station, presiding officer Chimwemwe Chikomeni also said the officials rejected a monitor that Gwengwe sent there because the centre already had accredited monitors.

More details to follow..

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