Police is Lilongwe have arrested four men for allegedly being found in possession of assorted medical drugs and equipment without a license.
Spokesperson for Lilongwe Police station Hastings Chigalu has confirmed the development and identified the suspects as Joel Chirwa, Albert Samson, Gift Mwembe and Michael Mailosi.
According to Chigalu, the four are also accused of possessing counterfeit  maize seed empty bags.
Police detectives invaded Lilongwe Main Market at Mpanipani where they found the suspects with the items in question , says Chigalu.
The medical drugs and equipment include 22 bottles of Sulpamethoxazole, 14 cartons of syringes containing 100 pieces each, five cartons of rabies vaccine, 22 packets of ARV Bactrim, 204 isolation gowns, 478, sachets of Artefan disppesible (LA), 5 bottles of ARV, 6 cartons of Zininia P, among others.
Meanwhile, the law enforcers have seized the medical drugs, and the counterfeit maize seed empty sacks.
However, the value of the items is not yet established
The suspects are expected to appear in court soon to answer applicable charges after analysis of the seized items by the responsible regulatory bodies.
Source: The Radar
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