Two illegal miners have died while one has survived in a mine accident that happened at Konkola Copper Mine (KCM) Cop five dump site in Chingola Zambia.

The two, have been identified as Prince Chilumba 19 and Collins Nkwato 20 both Chingola residents died after the earth collapsed on them as they were conducting Illegal mining.
Copperbelt Province Commanding Officer Peacewell Mweemba said the survivor Jackson Ilunga had no visible injuries but complained of general body pains.
Mr Mweemba said the three miners were in the company of other illegal miners who escaped with injuries.
He said the mine accident happened on Saturday around 19:00 hours.
“Police rushed to the scene and confirmed the report and further found the two dead bodies which were inspected and noticed that Collins Nkweto was found to have an amputated right arm alleged to have been caused by an excavator as the body was being retrieved and that of Prince Chilumba had no visible injuries.The survivor Jackson Illunga also had no visible injuries but complained of general body pains,”he said.
He said two bodies were taken to Nchanga Nchanga North General Hospital mortuary while the survivor who is in a stable condition is receiving treatment at Chawama Mini hospital.
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