Mzuzu Senior Resident Magistrate Court has sentenced 4 Ethiopians to 4 months imprisonment with hard labour for illegal entry in Malawi on 28th March 2024 at Mtwalo in Mzimba district.

Malawi Police Service officers handed over the illegal Immigrants to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship Services for legal proceedings.

State Prosecutor for Immigration Department in the North, Inspector Bright Matemba ,represented the state with evidence of illegal entry of the 4 Ethiopians.

Passing judgement, Senior Resident Magistrate Ashford Harawa sentenced the 4 Ethiopians to 4 months Imprisonment with hard labour. After completing the sentences, the illegal Immigrants should be deported from Malawi using their costs.

Mzuzu Senior Resident Magistrate Court has convicted a total of 99 Ethiopians who were arrested in March only for illegal entry. Currently all the Illegal Immigrants are being kept at Mzuzu Prison awaiting completion of their sentences and then to be deported from Malawi .

According to Section 4 sub section 1(f) of the Malawi Immigration Act, all the 99 Ethiopians are Prohibited Immigrants in the country.

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