A man is battling for his life at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital after getting burnt while vandalising underground electricity cables at Maselema in Blantyre City on Wednesday.

Limbe Police spokesperson, Aubrey Singanyama, said they found Dickson Khoviwa writhing in pain after meeting his ordeal while digging Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) Limited cables that are connected to a pole.

“We took Khoviwa to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital where he is admitted. He will appear in court after being discharged,” he said.

The 32-year-old was in the company of his friend, only identified as Mafo, who fled from the scene after the vandalism mission went wrong.

Police have since launched a manhunt for his accomplice, a Bangwe Number 1 resident.

Dickson Khoviwa hails originally from Nasawa Village, Traditional Authority Kumtumanji in Zomba District.

Reacting to the incident, ESCOM Limited Chief Public Relations Officer, Kitty Chingota, urged the public to report cases of vandalism to the police, any ESCOM office or by calling 847 on TNM/Airtel.

Chingota said ESCOM Limited rewards those who provide information leading to the arrest and prosecution of vandals.

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