The Mkukula First Grade Magistrate court has convicted and sentenced Chinsinsi Nyadani, 23, to 8 years imprisonment for having sexual intercourse with a minor.

The court heard through Superintendent Aufi Ali that Nyadani on April 15,2023 at Chilundu village in Dowa had sexual intercourse with an 11 year old girl.

Ali narrated that the accused entered into the house of the victim where he defiled the girl.

Medical examination results from Chinkhuti health centre indicated that the girl was defiled.

In court, Nyadani pleaded not guilty for the charge leveled against him, prompting the state to parade three witnesses who testified against him beyond reasonable doubt.

In submission, Ali prayed to the court for the stiffer sentence saying that such cases are rampant in Lumbadzi, the victim is very young and has been traumatized, and the accused did not show remorsefulness by denying the charge.

In mitigation Nyadani asked the court for leniency considering that he is a first offender and a bread winner.

In his determination First Grade Magistrate Thomson Midias concurred with the state and ordered the convict to spend 8 years in prison to deter would-be offenders.

Nyadani hails from Chilundu village, Traditional Authority Mkukula in Dowa District.

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