Opposition United Democratic Front (UDF) Members of the National Assembly have expressed doubt as to whether the party is going field a Presidential candidate or not during the forthcoming 2014 General Elections.

This follows news that the party is now working closely with the ruling People’s Party (PP) of State President of the Republic of Malawi Mrs Joyce Banda.

In addition, President Banda also appointed UDF MP’s in her all-inclusive cabinet that includes Minister of Economic Planning Atupele Muluzi, son of former head of State Dr Bakili Muluzi who was earmarked to become the party’s torchbearer in the 2014 polls.

UDF Chief whip in Parliament Clement Chiwaya has told one of the private-owned broadcasting houses Malawi Institute of Journalism (MIJ) FM that he was not clear as to whether the party is going to field a candidate in the 2014 Presidential race.

Chiwaya also brushed aside reports that the former ruling party has been absorbed by the PP claiming that the party is still intact both in the National Assembly and across the country.

“I can tell you that it is a lie to say that the UDF has been absorbed by the PP. We are just working together with government for the good of all Malawians.

“However, if we see to it that something is wrong in government we cannot just sit idle but to come up with concrete criticism,” explained Chiwaya.

On the fielding of a Presidential candidate during the 2014 General Elections, Chiwaya said that he was not in a position to say anything as regards to the matter explaining that everything will be decided at the party’s forthcoming Convention slated for August.

“I am just a member of the National Executive Committee (NEC) and I have got no powers to say anything on issues to do with a Presidential candidate. As you may be aware that we are having a convention this coming August, I think that will be the right forum to come up with a decision,” said Chiwaya.

Unconfirmed reports have been circulating on the local political arena that the UDF is not going to field a candidate and that discussions are being done in camera that Atupele Muluzi should become running mate to President Joyce Banda during the elections.

Atupele’s campaign trail dubbed ‘Agenda for Change’ which was running in some parts of the country has since been stopped following his appointment in President Banda’s cabinet.

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