Melinda Gates, wife to US billionaire Bill Gates, on Wednesday held talks with President Joyce Banda on maternal health and other topics.

Melinda Gates Foundation is supporting several projects in the country in areas of maternal health, family planning and others.

Speaking at a joint press briefing with Banda, Gates, who did not announce any financial support pledges, said she was impressed by the impact of her projects hence her return.

“When I came on my first visit in 2009, I wanted to see how the country was succeeding in reducing mortality rate. I have longed to come back to support the maternal health programmes. Family Planning is a key component to saving lives.

“I am impressed by the impact of the projects we are supporting. We are back because of the impact we see on the funds we disbursed; that’s why I am back,” said Gates, after holding an hour long closed door discussion.

She also visited some of her Foundation’s supported projects in the Capital City yesterday.

Taking her turn, President Banda said she was optimistic that the Foundation will help the country in the fight for maternal health.

“I am very, very happy to welcome Melinda Gates back to Malawi. She has provided a lot of help in Malawi in maternal heath issues. We have discussed a lot of areas on how we believe we can cooperate,” said Banda, who saluted the Foundation for its approach to development projects.

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