Malawi’s youthful President of a former ruling United Democratic Front, Atupele Muluzi has appealed to young people to be the change they want to see by joining politics and help build a new Malawi.

“We need new thinking, new ideas, new way of doing things. My appeal is to young people including those in Diaspora to come home and build their country,” said Muluzi.

The 35 year old presidential candidate for the 2014 elections said he was happy that many more young people are supporting the revolution.

“They are so many young people that will be coming publicly. We have already seen Thoko Banda (son to late Aleke Banda) coming back from Germany to join the revolution,” he said.

He said as a new generation he is baffled that 50 years after independence Malawi keeps on retrogressing in as far as development is concerned.

“As young people we should not accept this situation. We must change this. This is why I am championing the New Agenda for Change to bring new thinking to the way of doing things,” said Atupele, son to former President Bakili Muluzi, 1994 – 2004.

He disclosed that soon UDF will hold a convention policy to solicit views from stakeholders that will make into the party’s manifesto.

On the state of affairs in UDF, he said discipline is now back in the party and that it is ready to face the elections in 2014.

If elected in 2014, Muluzi will be youngest President in Africa at the age of 36.

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