The Germany government has commended the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) for abandoning the biometric voter registration system saying it would enable the organization to easily prepare for the 2014 tripartite polls.
This comes following the recent position by donors against the use of the biometric voter registration system which they described as complex and could not be implemented within a short period of time.

In an e-mail response German ambassador to Malawi Peter Woeste revealed that the recent decision by make would encourage donors to significantly contribute to the electoral process.

According to Woeste, experience shows that the biometric system is complex hence difficult to be implemented.

He also urged MEC officials to remain serious in managing affairs at the Commission ahead of the polls scheduled next year.

But the ambassador did not give details on his calls for MEC official to observe what he termed as austerity.

However, some officials were previously alleged to have been involved in corruption scandals which disappointed most of the donors.

Last week, the organization reversed its decision to use the system citing time factor to effectively implement the system.

Meanwhile, MEC officials are hinting that they would use the system during the 2019 general elections.

The country is scheduled to hold tripartite polls where voters would vote for president, members of parliament and councilors at once.

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