Catholic priest, Father Boniface Tamani, on Sunday at Mthawira parish took to the pulpit to heap praises on fallen leader, Bingu wa Mutharika, for what he called vision.

Delivering his homily in which he was preaching on God punishing people while on earth if they divert from his wisdom, Father Tamani who was at once n adviser to the late President did not fall short of declaring that Mutharika was an arrogant man.

“Yes, I was an adviser to the late President and he was an arrogant man but his arrogance was based on what he knew and understood. Not what we are seeing today,” said Father Tamani.

Without mentioning any name but in an apparent reference to the sitting President, Father Tamani said the fallen leader was a visionary man and not what the people are happening to see and live with today which he described as empty.

“Every time you tune in to this radio station, you hear of this person; this radio station, it’s the same person yet when you come to fully understand it you discover that the noise is just nothing but empty and meaningless,” said Father Tamani who once served as the chairperson of the influential religious grouping, Public Affairs Committee (PAC).

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