Spokesperson of the Malawi Congress Party (MCP), Jessie Kabwila, last night had a field day at the University of Malawi, Chancellor College’s Great Hall in Zomba when she came face to face with representatives of the other three major parties in the country namely UDF, DPP and PP at a debate organized by Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS) and the British Council on the theme youth and unemployment.

According to an observation that FaceofMalawi made and comments from the social media, it appeared that Kabwila had a leverage over the other representatives that were Ken Ndanga for the United Democratic Front (UDF), George Chaponda for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and Wakuda Kamanga for the Peoples’ Party (PP).

Speaking to an audience that eventually included some of her former students, the MCP spokesperson said that all the other parties were building on the glory of the Malawi Congress Party and had nothing tangible to offer to Malawians. She further indicated that it was only MCP that can take Malawians back to the glory days and not the other party as she accused the others of, among other things, putting academic freedom at a risk and Cashgate.

The debate eventually appeared to not have been in favour of the other debaters as Kabwila lacked somebody who could challenge her on the issues she was raising against the others.

Some commentators on the social media made the same observation and indicated that Kabwila was having a field day with Ndanga trailing by closely while the other two were apparently lost in what was being discussed.

The British Council and ZBS have indicated that they will hold the debates in the four cities and next they will be traveling to Mzuzu where they will also hold a debate on another yopic.

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