Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) and Centre for Development of People (CEDEP)has called upon the government to compensate relatives of the victims of the July 20 demonstrations.

This was disclosed in a joint statement issued over the weekend.

About 20 Malawians especially in the Northern Region of Malawi (Mzuzu City) lost their lives during the anti-DPP demonstrations where people were involved in running battles with the police.

“Of course, CHRR and Cedep is cognisant of the fact that former president Joyce Banda, towards the end of her tenure, made a pledge to compensate the families of July 20 heroes after meeting them at the State House. However, a few months down the line, media reports are rife that the pledged money is yet to trickle down to the majority of rightful beneficiaries-a scenario that is very shocking,” the statement reads in part.

The two bodies have further urged the President and his government to put up a clear and effective accountable system to monitor and regulate all compensations made.

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