Beautify Malawi Trust (BEAM) has donated an artificial limb to a 10-year-old girl Patricia Chimenya based in Bangwe, Blantyre.

The development comes barely days after the trust presented scholarship to 20 needy student to study at Bedir International School in Chinyonga.

Patricia, who is in Standard 6, was amputated at an early age and had to be carried to and from school.

Speaking after making the presentation on Wednesday one of the Board Members of the Beautify Malawi Trust Mabvuto Bamusi said the First Lady Madam Gertrude Mutharika was moved following a story of the girl’s plight in one of the newspapers.

“When the first lady read a story about a 10-year-old girl Patricia from Bangwe, She immediately sent people to fetch Patricia and take her for treatment and provide her with artificial legs.

We would like to thank the media and the First Lady for the urgency of purpose that she has demonstrated,” Bamusi said.

On his part, Robson Nyirenda, who is the In-Charge of the Orthopeadic Centre at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital which made the artificial limb says it is committed to assisting patients but lacked resources.

Patricia’s mother applauded the First Lady for the assistance which will help her daughter to walk.

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