Former President Dr. Joyce banda on Wednesday 15, 2014 is expected to deliver a public lecture at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Deputy Director of the Institute of Public Affairs at LSE, Dr Purna Sen confirmed of the development with the Press, saying that Banda will “reflect on her journey to the highest level of public life.”

“This event launches a new Institute of Public Affairs project exploring the roads taken by women who shape public life,” said Sen who will be the discussant at the public lecture.

Banda’s Press Secretary Tusekele Mwanyongo also confirmed of the development in an interview, saying that Banda is “delighted to have this opportunity to share her experience of public life.”

The London School of Economics and Political Science-one of the world’s top universities, is a public research university specialised in social sciences located in- London, United Kingdom, and a constituent college of the federal University of London.

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