Airtel Malawi in partner with Development Aid from People to People (DAPP) yesterday sealed a deal which saw sums of upto K4.4 million being donated to help sponsoring the training 10 primary school teachers for the next 3 years.

According to sources gathered by FaceofMalawi the teachers who will access the funding are only those who are needy in training facilities run by the DAPP.

The training facilities are setup in Chilangoma in Blantyre, Amalika in Thyolo, Dowa TCC and Mzimba.

FOM speaking to Airtel Managing Director Heiko Schlittke, confirmed of the development saying that decision to sponsor 10 primary school teachers to be trained at the various teachers training colleges run by DAPP, is one step of promoting education in the country.

In his remarks DAPP National Partnership Officer, Enock Juma commended Airtel Malawi for the” timely support.

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