Well-known businessman Oswald Lutepo, the prime suspect in the plundering of public funds at Capitol Hill dubbed cashgate will be sentenced to jail on July 30 on two counts he pleaded guilty earlier last month.

Lutepo pleaded guilty before Zomba High Court Judge Redson Kapindu on conspiracy to defraud government and money laundering K4.2 billion ($9.3 million) and was convicted.

Speaking to the press after pleading guilty to the charges, Lutepo’s Lawyer Oswald Mtupila said his client pleaded guilty following legal advice on the matter.

Before adjourning the case, Justice Kapindu revoked Lutepo’s bail leading to his re-arrest waiting for sentencing and he asked the State and the defence to deliver their possible sentencing on the case before the said date which is yet to be honoured.

“The court has set July 30 for sentencing, but we are yet to exchange written submissions with the prosecution,” Mtupila was quoted as saying.

Meanwhile information sourced by FaceofMalawi indicates that the State is using Lutepo to implicate for President Dr. Joyce Banda in the Cashgate scandal.

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