As Malawians are eagerly waiting for the truth to come out on the gruesome murder of Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Director of Corporate Affairs Issa Njauju, FaceofMalawi can reveal that the Judiciary is yet to receive the files of the case.

Njauju was murdered on 2 July last year by unknown assailants and his body was dumped around City Centre in Lilongwe on July 4, triggering fear among family members and his colleagues.

So far police have arrested two people, who included a police officer, Christopher Naphiyo.

Although this is the case, little seems to be done on the case as no one has been taken to court to face justice, making Malawians to start doubting if the true will come out on the case.

When approached for comment by the press on the case, National Police Spokesperson Nicholas Gondwa said investigations are still in progress.

Gondwa also disclosed that police are just waiting for the judiciary to set dates for the case.

On his part, Judiciary spokesperson Mlenga Mvula said his office is yet to receive the files of the case.

“We cannot say when the trial is starting because as of now we do not have a case file in connection with the murder of Mr. Issa Njauju,” said Mvula.
Many people across the country have accused the government of delaying the case.

But President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has on several times assured Malawians that his government will do whatever it can to arrests the culprits and face the law.

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