President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has order the Malawi Defence Force (MDF) soldiers to guard all strategic exist points of the country and impound any vehicle found smuggling maize and tobacco or any prohibited commodities out of the country.

The order comes barely days after Police in Karonga impound over 30 trucks loaded with maize and arrested the drivers.

“State House is informing the general public that His Excellency the President, Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the Malawi Defence Force (MDF), has ordered the army to guard all strategic exit points from the country and impound any vehicle found smuggling maize, tobacco or any other prohibited commodities from Malawi.

“As such communities around border posts such as Mbilima in Chitipa, Songwe, Mwanza, Mwami in Mchinji, Dedza, Lundani, Muloza and Chiponde should not be alarmed at the heavy presence of soldiers in their areas,” reads in part the statement signed Mgeme Kalilani.

According to Kalilani, the order is with immediate effect.

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