United Transformation Movement (UTM’s) Secretary General Patricia Kaliati has labeled Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) as a party of terror.

Kaliati made these marks in Mulanje west constituency during a campaign rally ahead of May 21 polls.

Recently, DPP youth cadets attacked UTM supporters in the constituency.

“Forget about those people who threaten you, they just want you to show how to lose an election and they know it themselves that they cannot claim victory in Mulanje west,” Kaliati said.

She further said that those who are violent cannot claim victory in the constituency as they are losers.

Kaliati said Malawians are tired with politics of terror, propaganda and manipulation.

She however continued that Dr. Saulos Chilima is the only hope for Malawians and urged them to vote for him.

“Dr. Chilima is the only leader who has the welfare of people at heart and we are not just saying to get votes but this is true, so on May 21 give him you vote so that he should form a government where everyone will be happy,” explained Kaliati.

Kaliati held the meetings at Wathuruwa, Chiwetheya and Naphini in Mulanje.

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