Nurses and midwives who recently protested against governments failure to fully recruit them can now breathe a sigh of relief as government has rescinded its stance on the matter.

The interns have been protesting over governments decision to pull some of them out of the pay roll and for reportedly stating it would not offer them permanent jobs.

Just yesterday, a group of unemployed nurses and midwives at Nkhata Bay district health hospital held demonstrations forcing government to employ them.

Lovemore Sholomali, a coordinator of the demonstrations had said that government needs not to make the communication as merely meant to suppress their call.

However, government has said it will roll out a massive recruitment exercise of unemployed health workers.

In a press statement signed by Bestone Chisamile Secretary for health and population, government is working with Christian Association of Malawi and district councils to fully recruit the health workers.

“The ministry of health and population, LASCOM and Christian Association of Malawi are working hard to ensure that the recruitment process is expedited”. Reads part of the statement.

Initially, Information Minister Mark Botomani assured the unemployed health workers that government is working on their grievances saying they have not made a promise they will not fulfil.

“Funds are being allocated for their recruitment. We however have to say that the process is gradual and they have to understand that we reckon how critical their recruitment is to the country, he said.

Credit: MIJ Online

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