A heart-broken husband in Dedza has killed himself after he discovered that his wife was secretly hanging around with his best friend.

Symon Ngwirima, 22, discovered that his wife, Meliselina Joseph, 20, was having multiple sexual intercourse with one of his best friends, Juvenile Zipi.

Zipi was a tenant to Ngwirima’s father and both were also sharing the same apartment.

In 2017 Ngwirima proposed Meliselina John and in same year, his best friend Zipi also proposed her.

According to an inquest by Mtakataka Police Post, Meliselina was properly double-crossing the two men who were not knowing each other.

The love-triangle took some months but still the two were not knowing it.

Ngwirima (now deceased) was showing seriousness than Zipi and this made Meliselina to admire Ngwirima more than Zipi.

Ngwirima won her heart and took her home as his wife but he continued sharing apartment with his best friend Zipi.

In December, 2019 Zipi was given a piece work to cultivate in the maize field.

Looking at how hard the task was, Zipi decided to induce his friend Ngwirima to join him.

On first day,Ngwirima who was working as a video showman accompanied Zipi but a day later he assigned his wife Meleselina to work on his capacity.

This gave Zipi an opportunity to feast on his longtime partner.

Rumours about the affair went round the village a few days later.

On February 3, 2020, some well wishers tipped Ngwirima to be cautious with Zipi, leading to divorce on grounds of infidelity.

The following day, while he was home chatting with friends, he heard unusual sounds in his house and when he entered into the house, he found out that his wife’s cloths were taken by unknown person.

Knowing that this could be his wife, Ngwirima decided to enter into the house of Zipi where he found out that his wife’s cloths were being kept in the house of his friend.

Some people reported the issue to Mtakataka Police and Zipi was immediately arrested for conduct likely to cause breach of peace contrary to section 181 of the penal code

Ngwirima and his wife were informed to visit Victim Support Unit the following morning.

On February 6 Ngwirima did not report at the police and he was found unconscious on February 8, after he took the pesticides.

He was taken to Mua Mission Hospital where he died while receiving treatment.

Police have noted with great concern over behavior of Meliselina which they described as promiscuous attitude that can increase risk of suicide cases among married people.

Police have asked couples to take marriage as the best protection against suicide since it provides social and community integration, and reduces social isolation.

Police further condemn conduct showing up by Zipi which they said is serious breach of trust.

Zipi will be taken to court soon to answer the charge of conduct likely to cause breach of peace.

Ngwirima hailed from Chiyembekezo village while his wife hails from Kudzawe village and his best friend Zipi hails from Mthembanji village all in the area of Traditional Authority Kachindamoto in Dedza.

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