Chiradzulu Police has arrested a 39-year-old man, Edward Sapatheka, for allegedly defiling a 16-year-old girl who went to his shop to buy a face mask in preparation for school reopening.

Chiradzulu Police Station Officer, Moses Chibwe confirmed the development on Wednesday, saying the girl is a standard 8 learner at Mombezi F.P School.

“The girl was sent by her mother to buy a face mask at Munlo Trading Centre on September 5, where the suspect gave her a frozy drink and biscuits. He closed the shop and defiled her twice,” said the police officer.

Chibwe added that the victim did not reveal the incident to her mother, but the latter was tipped by her a friend who found both the victim and suspect in the shop.

According to the District Police Station Officer, the matter was referred to Chiradzulu Police Station whose officers arrested the suspect.

The medical report from Chiradzulu District Hospital revealed that the victim was really defiled.

Sapatheka hails from Munlo Village, Traditional Authority Ntchema in the district.

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