Minister of Industry Honourable Roy Kachale Banda has cautioned security agencies against aiding smugglers amid allegations that some security officers in the county’s border posts are colluding with the smugglers.

The minister said smuggling has greatly affected many sectors of the economy hence the need for security agencies and all stakeholders to join forces in dealing with the vice.

He made the remarks on Saturday 03rd October 2020 when he together with minister of Trade Honourable Sosten Gwengwe visited Malawi Bureau of Standards office at Mwanza border to appreciate how the office is operating and also to update stakeholders on the progress of construction of one stop border posts in some border districts of Malawi including Mwanza.

Meanwhile minister of Trade Honourable Sosten Gwengwe says Government has procured a contractor to start construction of one stop border post at Mwanza.

The minister said the project will start anytime from now and the state of the art one stop border post is expected to be ready within 12 months.

The minister also disclosed that government has identified funds to construct one stop border posts at Muloza in Mulanje and Chiponde in Mangochi.

The two border posts were not included in the first phase which is covering Mwanza, Songwe, Mchinji and Dedza border posts due to un availability of funds.

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