A funeral where a dead man is embalmed in a sitting position and carried on the tray of a hearse has curious onlookers aghast in Port-of-Spain on Wednesday.

At the funeral the body of murder victim Che Lewis was seen sitting on a chair during the service. The church did not allow the body to be taken inside.

It was also spotted on a chair at the back of an open hearse with two men next to it.

The videos and photos have gone viral on social media.

The body is dressed in a suit in the van with a sign of Dennie’s Funeral Home.

Lewis, 29, was murdered along with his father Adlai Lewis, 54, at their First Trace, Bagatelle, home on November 14. They were fatally shot when gunmen entered their home.

On July 24, Che’s brother Abisaja John, 45, was also shot dead at  their family home.

Police said they were working on a theory that their murders could be linked to a land dispute.

On its Facebook page, Dennie’s Funeral Home stated, “Due to the unique funeral, the church was astonished and refused the entrance of Che.”


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