In a tragic development, a Beitbridge man decided to end his life after suspecting that his wife was cheating on him.

Timothy Ndou (51) under Chief Situdze’s area committed suicide by hanging himself on Monday at around 3PM.

According to reports , Ndou had a long-running dispute with his wife Happiness Ngulube whom he allegedly accused of cheating on him leading to domestic violence.

Confirming the tragic incident to to the publication, Matabeleland South provincial police spokesperson Inspector Loveness Mangena said;

“I can confirm that Ndou hanged himself after suspecting that his wife was cheating on him. Ndou’s brother called the couple to solve the issue and before resolving the issue Ndou left his brother’s house and went to his house where he was found hanging in their bedroom” she said.

Inspector Mangena revealed that the couple’s marriage had been rocky for the past months ever since Ndou started accusing Ngulube of infidelity.

According to the police report, before taking his own life on Monday, Ndou allegedly assaulted his wife and she ran away and told Ndou’s brother who lives near their homestead.

In an effort to help resolve their differences, Ndou’s brother called them for counselling but the now-deceased allegedly left while they were being counselled.

When his wife returned home later on to her horror she found her husband hanging in their bedroom.

She immediately reported the matter to the police and the body was taken for postmortem.

The police believe that Ndou’s strong conviction that his wife was cheating on him is what drove him to commit suicide.

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