One of the social commentators in the country Joshua Chisa Mbele has asked the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) to probe the recruitment of Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (MERA) Chief Executive Officer Henry Kachaje.

On Wednesday, the office of the Ombusdman led by Grace Malera was scheduled to present its report on Kachaje’s appointment following a complaint from some quarters of the society.

But Malera was blocked from proceeding to release the report dubbed ‘Curbing Impunity’ following an injunction which was served to her.

Writing on his official facebook page Chisa Mbele said the only way to exonerate Kachaje from the scandal is for the issue to be referred to ACB.

“If we are to end the culture of premeditated corruption with impunity, this matter must be referred to ACB for further criminal investigation & prosecution.

“I’m saddened that I would be here writing this about Kachaje. There is way to save him though. He must become the state witness and provide the details of how the plot was put together,” wrote Mbele.

He added: “He financially struggled of late as such he could do anything to support his family. Ruthless political masters simply exploited his vulnerability.

“I therefore encourage him NOT to go down alone. It’s not worth it.”

Below is Mbele’s statement;

Institutional Capture

What we are observing at MERA is a subset of premeditated & systematic State Capture. Kachaje has been played and thrown under the bus by infighting forces within a corrupt establishment.

In South Africa, this matter would be referred to the Hawks for Criminal Investigation & Prosecution.

The ombudsman has been very thorough with her investigation and the findings are damning.

The picture that images is this;

Here is a Job for you. Now go and get necessary academic qualifications. We need you in this position because we plan to loot this institution. We need our own man.

That’s why criminal investigation must follow. We must get to the master-minders and prosecute them.

They were not employing Kachaje to only reward him for political loyalty but rather to use him to loot MERA.

Kachaje has joined MERA as a weak & compromised candidate who would be reporting to political masters at MCP Headquarters. The ultimate motives are written all over.

If we are to end the culture of premeditated corruption with impunity, this matter must be referred to ACB for further criminal investigation & prosecution.

I’m saddened that I would be here writing this about Kachaje. There is way to save him though. He must become the state witness and provide the details of how the plot was put together.

He financially struggled of late as such he could do anything to support his family. Ruthless political masters simply exploited his vulnerability.

I therefore encourage him NOT to go down alone. It’s not worth it.

To this end, I’m more than willing to pay for his defense lawyers to unravel the plot. Send the ultimate corrupt masters behind bars.

That’s how I can solidly stand by my friend.

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