Social commentator Joshua Chisa Mbele has come after Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Dr. Steve Kayuni as he is calling for his firing according to him if the country is to make progress in the effort to combat corruption.

In a write on his Facebook page, Mneneri as he is well known claims Kayuni has been frustrating the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB).

“It’s precisely for this very reason that we are seeking Parliament Intervention to amend the law that ACB should not be subjected to DPP discretion TO PROSECUTE OR NOT TO PROSECUTE,” wrote Chisa Mbele.

According to Chisa Mbele, for president Lazarus Chakwera to show his seriousness that he hates corruption, the firing Kayuni will be it

“If the President says He hates corruption and within the same breath says he will be forced to remove individuals if they are not cooperating THEN the first person is Steve Kayuni,” he said.

Chisa Mbele continues that the impression that has been created so far is showing that Kayuni is working on corrupt instructions to protect Zuneth Sattar who is being investigated in Malawi and United Kingdom for alleged corruption practices.

“Just to make sure that we are on the same page: Malawi is a People’s Republic not some personal farm. Nobody is the Agent of the other. We are equal though doing different things to make Malawi a better place,” he said.

Chisa Mbele added; “We are demanding that everybody on Zunneth Sattar list of Bribes must be prosecuted. No exception. We know that few members in the Cabinet are also implicated. The law must run its natural course,”

Last night during a press briefing President Chakwera said he will not let anyone frustrate his fight against corruption adding that he will be compelled to remove anyone who will be working against his efforts of clearing the rubble.

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