President Chakwera has arrived in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea on the night of 25 May, 2022 from Davos, Switzerland after attending the Economic Forum Conference.

Chakwera is expected to attend Extra-Ordinary African Union Summit which is scheduled from Thursday 26 May to Saturday 28 May.

The President who is accompanied by the first lady was welcomed at Malabo International Airport by Equatorial Guinea’s Prime Minister Francisco Pascual, Malawi Minister of Foreign Affairs Nancy Tembo, Mayor of Malabo Maria Coloma and other dignitaries.

While in Davos, Switzerland, Chakwera had a meeting with president Paul Kagame of Rwanda where they agreed to work together in boosting trade between Malawi and Rwanda.

The two Presidents  resolved to ensure that the Joint Permanent Commission of Cooperation between Malawi and Rwanda moves forward to conclude various memoranda of understanding aimed at strengthening ties between the two countries in areas of Trade, Agriculture, Diplomacy, Security, and Development.

President Chakwera together with other African leaders will address humanitarian challenges facing the continent and develop resource mobilization strategies for addressing them and sustainable solutions to terrorism in Guinea’s Summit.

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