Faceofmalawi has established that over 100 teachers across the country have been scrapped off from government payroll due to misconduct.

This is contrary to earlier reports that less than 30 teachers from Mangochi and Phalombe were affected by the chop.

According to leaked report, the said teachers are from the districts such as Rumphi, Mulanje and Mangochi.

One of the dismissed teachers who opted for anonymous said his grounds of dismissal are based on the fact that he is enrolled at University of Malawi to purse his studies.

“They accused me of abscondment and eventually fired me for the reason that aims at upgrading my studies at Chancellor College,” he said.

According to a suspended teacher in Mangochi, he described his suspension as a move to threaten the teachers against upgrading their studies.

“In Mangochi district, they do not allow us to further our studies. Out of passion of upgrading we sneak out and still pursue our goals. As a result, they suspend us on grounds of absenteeism, this is unfair,” he explained.

He added that when they visit their superiors in their offices to negotiate with them, they rant and threaten the teachers of being fired.

“You go to their offices to negotiate with them; they simply rant at you and threaten you of being fired. We are taken as second hand people,” he added.

Anthony Kamanga, teacher in Rumphi said he was beaten by the Primary Education Advisor (PEA) in front of learners during supervision time.

“Likewise myself, I was beaten by the PEA in the face of learners in class when he comes for supervision. To say the truth we are mistreated,” Kamanga said.

Teachers Union of Malawi (TUM) secretariat is yet to comment on the matter.

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