TWO mourners stripped to their birthday suits before embarking on a steamy sex romp on top of a grave at Dangamvura Cemetery in broad daylight last week on Thursday as the funeral of a Mutare brothel owner degenerated into a reincarnation of the Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah.

The appalling incident happened just after the interment of the late Maroni Mazvita Karinda.

The shocking episode has since gone viral on various social media platforms after other mourners filmed the act in two separate videos.

The videos start with the lady, a well-known commercial sex worker only identified as Tatenda or Mai Keisha, undressing while asking if anyone is willing to be intimate with her.

All this happens in full view of mourners who had just finished laying to rest the 45-year-old Sakubva brothel operator, Karinda.

Tatenda’s invitation was gladly accepted by a middle aged man who is understood to be a loafer who frequents the area near Sakubva Roundabout.

Mourners are then heard shouting “bvisa, bvisa, bvisa, bvisa” (remove your clothes), and the man started removing his clothes.

Onlookers started showering the protagonists with US dollar notes as they finished undressing.

Just as the two were almost ready to engage in the act, the drama was forced to a temporary halt as Tatenda insisted on using protection, which was not readily available.

Finally, protection was secured and Tatenda started caressing the man before the two got intimate in the full view of the cheering mourners.

A brother to the deceased, Fungai Mazvita Karinda told The Weekender that the family is not happy with what transpired during Maroni’s funeral.

“We are not happy at all with what happened during the funeral of our departed brother. These people started their uncouth behaviour while we were still at home.

“As a family, we tried by all means to stop them, but they turned a deaf ear to us. We told them that while they were his friends, they should respect us, but they never relented,” he said.

Fungai said the culprits must be arrested in order to set a precedence for would-be offenders.

“We hope and pray that these people will be arrested because they literally hijacked my brother’s funeral to parade their shamelessness.

‘‘Up to now we are yet to come to terms with what we saw during our brother’s funeral,” he said.

Efforts to get a comment from Tatenda and the man she engaged in the immoral act with were fruitless as she was said to have gone to another city brothel where she is understood to be staying.

He partner could not be located at his usual workplace.

When contacted for comment, Manicaland provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Nobert Muzondo said the culprits will be brought to book.

“We thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We will pursue it until the culprits are brought to book. Those who engaged in the act, those who filmed it and the ones who paid the two people to engage in it have cases to answer. This is a serious matter that deserves our attention.

“We surely cannot tolerate such wayward behaviour. People cannot be intimate in public, let alone on a grave during a funeral with onlookers cheering as if they are watching a soccer match. It is unacceptable,” said Inspector Muzondo.

When asked about the religious implications of such behaviour from a Christian perspective, Pastor Davies English said the end times are near.

“It is very strange. I suspect heavy duty Satanism (hurombwa). Obviously, the end times are truly upon us because Jesus warned us that in the last days, iniquity shall abound (Matthew 24:12).

“These kinds of things never used to be done in public, let alone during funerals, but when people are shameless to this extent it only shows that things have really gone haywire. So this should be a clarion call for everyone to repent and give their lives to Jesus Christ and get ready for the eternal life,” said Pastor English.

Zimbabwe Traditional Healers’ Association president, Mr George Kandiero said: “This is sheer lack of discipline, typical of touts, sex workers and hooligans.

“At the same time, this could be rituals that are common at graves or during funerals. At times, some people do things that they would have been instructed by the deceased to do upon their death.

“It might also be a result of the global interconnectedness whereby we have adopted foreign and weird cultures.”

Lending credence to Mr Kandiero’s sentiments, the late Harare Ximex Mall dealer, Boss Pangolin, real name Tafadzwa Russel Murengwa, is alleged to have left bizarre burial instructions for his family to carry out.

The bizarre burial instructions were included in his alleged suicide note.

In the leaked note, Boss Pangolin is alleged to have instructed his family to call famous sangoma, Sekuru Banda, to come and collect some undisclosed items from his bedroom. ManicaPost

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