There was chaos and pandemonium at a South African school after a grade 10 student petrol-bombed the principal’s car.

The alarming incident, which has since gone viral on social media, is reported to have occurred at Northbury Park secondary school in Northdale, Pietermaritzburg.

According to reports, the student, who cannot be named because he is a minor, petrol bombed the acting principal’s car as revenge.

The unruly student was said to have been incensed after the acting principal reprimanded him for bringing a cell phone to school and confiscated it.

Unsurprisingly, people were horrified by the student’s actions and called on the authorities to be firmer in dealing with troubled learners.



Petrol bombing is an act of terrorism. That child and his / her parents must be arrested and charged accordingly. These kids are getting out of hand, stabbing, assaulting and terrorizing teachers who are trying to educate them. The parents are to blame.



Unruly kids. Yoh I fear having a child like that; imagine what they can do to you as a parent.



Honestly, kids nowadays have the law behind em, and it’s making it hard for teachers to do their job. He deserves to be arrested period.


This pupil must be expelled and given 5 years suspension no school should take him/her, charity begins at home we can’t expect schools to parent 💔teachers have a it hard shame with these generation.



Lifetime suspension he should never have the privilege of education akahlale emnyango.

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