The Blantyre Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court has convicted and sentenced Henry Madani, 46, a salesman at Universal Industry Sales Company to 5 years imprisonment with hard labour for stealing K4,182,000.00 cash of the company.

The court heard through state prosecutor Sergeant Mark Kavalo of Ndirande Police Station that Madani was working as sales representative for the said company.

On June 25, this year, Madani disappeared with the cash after he sold the company’s products in Mwanza district where he was sent by his authorities.

Prosecutor Kavalo added that the matter was reported at Ndirande Police Station where investigations were initiated and the detectives successfully arrested him at Baghdad location in Ndirande township. The police also recovered a sum of K1,744,000 out of the stolen money.

In court Madani pleaded not guilty prompting the state to parade three witnesses who proved the case beyond reasonable doubt.

In mitigation, the convict asked for lenient sentence saying he is a bread winner and first offender.

In his submission prosecutor Kavalo cited that the company suffered a huge loss hence prayed for a stiffer sentence to serve as a lesson to other evil minded sales representatives.

Passing sentence Senior Resident Magistrate Euphrazia Moyo concurred with the state hence sentenced him to 5-years imprisonment with hard labour.

Madani hails from Mbenje Village in Traditional Authority N’gabu in Nsanje district.

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