The Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court in Thyolo has convicted and sentenced a 22-year-old man to 20 years imprisonment with hard labour for defiling his 15-year-old step-daughter.

The convict identified as Edward Phunyanya got convicted on Thursday this week.

Sergeant Rabecca Kashoti, Deputy Public Relations Officer -Thyolo Police Station, said State prosecutor Sub Inspector Felix Senzani told the court that it was in July this year at around 8 o’clock when the victim’s mother left home for church service.

Soon after the victim’s mother left, the step-father (now convict) invited the victim to his bedroom requesting to have sexual intercourse with her of which she denied.

Later on, the victim went to the river to fetch water but upon her arrival his step-father dragged her into his bedroom and defiled her.

The convict threatened the victim not to reveal the ordeal to anyone or else risk being chased out of the house.

State prosecutor Sub Inspector Senzani further told the court that on August 20 this year at around 8pm, the step-father also defiled the victim and they were caught red-handed by the victim’s young sister. Due to fear, the victim ran away from home.

Upon her return, the victim disclosed everything to her mother and her uncle.

The matter was reported to Goliati Police Unit where the victim was issued with a medical form for examination and treatment. This led to the arrest of the convict.

Appearing before court, the convict pleaded guilty to a charge of defilement.

In mitigation, the convict pleaded with the court for leniency, saying he is a first offender and that he also admitted the charge without waisting court’s time.

In his submission, state prosecutor Sub Inspector Senzani asked the court for a custodial sentence, citing that defilement cases are rampant in the area and the convict was supposed to protect the victim as a parent not abusing her.

Passing sentence, Senior Resident Magistrate Asunta Maxwell concurred with the state’s submission and sentenced the convict to 20 years imprisonment with hard labour as a detterent to other would- be offenders.

Edward Phunyanya comes from Kajawo Village in Traditional Authority Chimaliro in Thyolo District.


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