Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) will soon launch an HIV and AIDS prevention and sexual reproductive health rights promotion project which is aims at increasing awareness of human rights as well as addressing structural barriers.

Director of Civil and Political rights, Peter Chisi said the project will make more people to know about their rights, especially sex workers.

Chisi said, “More sex workers in our communities are being abused like being beaten, not being paid and even sexual harassment but they find it hard to report their issues, hence need the programme.”

Lilongwe District Principal Nutrition and HIV AIDS Officer George Mtengowadula encouraged the MHRC to engage targeted people for the project to achieve its desired outcome.

“The project has a high chance if it engage other partners and it can have quality results,” said George

The project will be conducted in two months from October to December, and is being funded by United Nations Programmes on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).

The targeted households of Lilongwe, Tradition Authority Kabudula are women, religious leaders, young people and traditional leaders.

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