Police in Ntchisi District have arrested two people for allegedly murdering a friend over a sex worker at Chunganiro Village in the district.

The two, Chipulumutso Kanyalo 26, and Gilbert Isaac 26 are alleged to have killed their friend, Andrew Daniel 23, by stabbing him with a broken glass of bottle on the neck.

It is alleged that they were at a drinking joint within the village when Daniel hooked a sex worker to spend the night with.

This did not please the suspects as they also wanted to hook the same sex worker.

Later, a fierce fight ensued between them, and the two took a broken glass bottle which they used to stable Daniel on the neck. He collapsed in a pool of blood.

He was later rushed to Ntchisi District Hospital where he was pronounced dead upon arrival.

Autopsy done at the hospital it has been revealed that death was due to haemorrhagic shock secondary to loss of blood.

The suspects come from Waluza village in the area of Traditional Authority Malenga in the District.

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