Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Member of Parliament for Mulanje Bale Victor Musowa has given a detailed account of how she found Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Director General Martha Chizuma who was detained at Namitete Police Station in the capital Lilongwe.

Speaking on point of order in Parliament, Musowa said he found Chizuma crying at Namitete Police and was forced out of her house without being properly dressed up.

“I am tramautized. I accompanied the Chairperson of the Legal Affairs Committee to see the ACB Director General at the Namitete Police Station. We found her literally crying. How can the police insist on picking her up without first giving her time to dress up? It’s bad to be in Malawi now.

“You may think I am just politicizing this issue. Madam Speaker, I request that the Legal Affairs Committee Chair be given a chance to share what we found out there,” said Musowa.

According to Musowa, a female police officer is also said to have beaten up Chizuma.

Musowa said they want the house to be suspended.

Meanwhile, Parliament has been suspended to 2pm.





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