A Zambian man identified by his brother as Peter Zulu aged 47, committed suicide after pressure from his divorced wife over school fees for his child who passed to grade 10.

According to Deputy Police spokesperson Danny Mwale said Police were alerted and visited the scene (his house) where they found the deceased hanging by the neck to a string.

“preliminary investigations indicate that on January 1, 2023, the deceased was seen among his friends celebrating the New Year at one of the bars in Chaisa Compound.

His brother, who they share a room with was reported to be out during the same period but when he went home around 05:00 hours, he found the deceased hanging by the neck tied to the rooftop in their room,” Mwale stated.

Mwale stated further investigations revealed that the deceased was heard complaining that his divorced wife allegedly gave him pressure on the School fees for their only child who now qualified to Grade 10.

The body is deposited in University Teaching Hospitals mortuary awaiting postmortem

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