In Nsanje police are hunting for a 16- year-old form two learner at Kadabwako Community Day Secondary School (CDSS), as they suspect foul play over the sudden death of his girlfriend, a form three student at Nyamadzere CDSS, Hazel Chimwemwe Mwangala aged 17.

“Hazel, died suddenly after she collapsed on Saturday afternoon at Kadabwako CDSS and postmortem shows she died due to drug overdose ingestion,” according to the district’s police spokesperson, Sub Inspector Agnes Zalakoma.

Zalakoma said the girl’s mother, Lilian Mwangala, reported that she noticed some signs of pregnancy in her daughter and that she gave a word of encouragement. On Thursday last week Hazel left home for a school variety show but never returned home.

“At around 22:00 hours she sent an SMS to her mother that she should not be worried as she was in the company of her boyfriend, only to receive a message of her daughter’s sudden death the following day at around 16:00 hours.”


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