Former National Budget Director Paul Mphwiyo who is involved in Cashgate scandal which happened during the reign of former President Dr. Joyce Banda, is reportedly missing.

National Police Spokesperson Peter Kalaya has confirmed of the development in an interview with the press.

Kalaya said police have information that Mphwiyo boarded an aeroplane at Kamuzu International Airport on June 22 2023 and flew to Chileka International Airport from where he connected to Ryalls Hotel in Blantyre.

“Yes, we are hunting for him. We are aware that he is answering a Cashgate case and judgement is about to be known. So, we suspect him to be on the run,” said Kalaya.

This is happening at a time the High Court is expected to give its judgement in the K2.4 billion Cashgate case in which Mphwiyo and 17 others are about to know their fate.

Mphwiyo’s case has been in court for over 10 years.

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