President Lazarus Chakwera has said that his government will not give free money to some Malawians who are lazy and do not want to work.

Chakwera made the call during the launch of Agricultural Commercialization (AGCOM 2) in Ntchisi at Chinthembwe Primary School Ground.

According to Chakwera, his government will only support people who work hard in various jobs not people who always want to be given free money.

“There some people in this country who want government to give them money for free or who want us to give them money just because they belong to a certain party or to give them money just because the know how to make noise or to give them money just to keep them from doing demonstrations.

“The country doesn’t have the luxury of throwing money at people whose appetite for consumption are never satisfied.

“We are in very serious situation in which we must prioritize funding, those who want to use the little money that we have to grow something of value that will generate more money for the country will be supported,” said Chakwera.

The word Bank in partnership with Food Agriculture and Security Program (GAFSP) donated $265 million for the project of AGCOM 2.

Agricultural Commercialisation (AGCOM) Project is a Malawi Government flagship programme for transforming smallholder agriculture from mostly subsistence to commercial.



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