A young boy identified as Govati Sipiyasi, 16, has drowned in Mbowe Dam at Chibwaka area in Mzimba district.

It is reported that, on Sunday, November 26, 2023 at around 15:00 hours the deceased was swimming in a dam with his friends.

Upon reaching in the middle of the dam, he felt tired and failed to swim any further hence drowned.

The matter was reported to police who went to the scene together with fisheries officers and searched for the body but all was in vain.

Until now, investigations are still in progress to trace the body.

Sipiyasi hails from Chiphazi village, traditional authority Kasumbu in Dedza district.

In a related development, Harrison Banda a farmer from Elamuleni whose full particulars not advised allegedly committed suicide by taking toxic drug.

This occured on November 27, 2023 at around 14:00hours at Elamuleni.

His neighbours upon looking at the foam on his mouth, took him to Mzuzu Central Hospital where he was pronounced dead upon arrival.

Reports shows that the deceased took toxic drugs without any apparent reason.

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