The Rumphi Second Grade Magistrate’s Court has on January 30, 2024, convicted and sentenced Lebohang Banda, 39, and Sinya Msiska, 40, to 5 years Imprisonment with hard labour each for theft by public servant contrary to section 283 of the Penal Code.

The court heard through the Station Prosecution Officer, Assistant Superintendent Kelvin Ng’ambi that the duo were arrested on March 27, 2023 for stealing assorted government medical drugs at Rumphi District Hospital where Banda was working as a head guard while Msiska was a Pharmacy Assistant.

Ng’ambi added that on the material day, acting on a tip, the facility authorities searched a laptop bag belonging to Banda and found medical drugs including cotrimoxazole, amoxicillin, doxycycline, LA 4 and LA 2.

Upon being quizzed Banda, revealed his accomplice Msiska, who was immediately called and both accepted to have been stealing the medical drugs from the pharmacy stores hence being arrested.

Appearing in court both convicts pleaded not guilty prompting the state to parade six witnesses who proved the case beyond reasonable doubt.

In mitigation, the duo asked for leniency stating that they are first offenders and breadwinners for their families.

In his submission, prosecutor Ng’ambi asked for a stiffer punishment for breaching the trust of being medical custodians and that they lacked professionalism.

Passing sentence, Second Grade Magistrate Chikumbutso Kachipande concurred with the state hence sentenced each to 5 years Imprisonment with hard labour.

Banda hails from Kamwendo Village, Traditional Authority Kachere in Dedza while Sinya Msiska hails from Kaphulapansi Village, Traditional Authority Kachulu in Rumphi district.

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