An unidentified male pedestrian has died while 16 others sustained various degrees of injuries following a road accident that happened along Kenyatta Drive at Kanjedza in Limbe yesterday.

Limbe police publicist, Sergeant Aubrey Singanyama, says the accident, which involved a Mazda Bongo Minibus registration number MHG 1923, was being driven by Pilirani Maulana, 42, from the direction of Kanjedza roundabout heading towards Kwacha roundabout with 15 passengers on board.

Police say upon arrival at Kanjedza Bus Stage, Maulana lost control of the motor vehicle due to overspeeding and swerved to the other side of the road, where he hit an unknown male person who was walking in the same direction before the minibus overturned twice.

Due to the impact, the 15 passengers, including the driver, sustained various injuries and were all rushed to Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital for treatment, where the unidentified victim died.

Thirteen passengers were treated as outpatients, while the other three have been admitted to the facility.

Driver Maulana, who has been charged with reckless driving contrary to Section 126 of the Road Traffic Act, hails from Kuweruza village, Traditional Authority Changata in Thyolo.


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