Malawi Red Cross Society has urged beneficiaries under its social cash transfer program to use the money wisely by prioritizing purchase of food items.

Society’s Communications Officer Felix Washoni was saying this at Ngoli in the area of Inkosi Mabilabo in Mzimba where they disbursed K50, 000 each to 1500 vulnerable households.

Washoni said that this year’s yield was low due various harsh climatic conditions. That is why Red Cross is here to help to help these households.

Florence Nkosi is one of the beneficiaries, said she has no yield this year as she failed to purchase fertilizer on the common market due to the commodity being expensive.

She also said that she will utilize the money by buying the food to support her four children.

Each household will be receiving K50, 000 cash per month from the month of April to June 2024.

The Program is financed by Saudi Arabia Red Crescent to the tune of K396 million through International Federation for Red Cross

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