An organization called Othakarhaka- Passing on the Kindness (OTK) has handed over a house to a survivor of gender based violence Euster Mollen 35, in Manjomo village, T/A Mkanda in Mulanje district.

The woman had fallen into a substantially abuse marriage in which he former husband nearly fatally assaulted her.

Mollen said that she was later able to generate courage to leave the marriage home to her grandmother, a situation that led to a wide range of challenges as both had been destitute.

OTK Executive director said Ida Puliwa said they built a house for Mollen so that she will be able to seek shelter in a more humane environment with her children.

She also added that as a foundation, they are thrilled to hand over this house to Euster, It is their responsibility as a humanitarian organization to intervene in such situations. While these victims remember their lost hope in their lives, they should also remember that they have a true friend in them.

OTK has constructed a house as part of the Bricks of Hope project, which the foundation is implementing with financial support from the International Development Institute (IDI Africa).

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