Former President Peter Mutharika who is also Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leader has expressed shock over the death of State Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima and nine others.

Chilima and nine others died yesterday after a plane crash in Chikangawa forest.

In a statement signed by DPP spokesperson Shadreck Namalomba, Mutharika said conveyed condolence message to Chilima’s wife and President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera.

Other individuals in the plane were Lucas Kapheni, Chisomo Chimaneni, Shanil Dzimbiri, Dan Kanyemba, Abdul Lapukeni, Colonel Sambalopa, Major Selemani and Major Aidin, whom the president described as great men and women of the nation and their death is a great loss to the people of Malawi.

Chakwera extended his heartfelt appreciation to the Malawi Defence Force and all parties involved in the search and rescue mission.

He also extended his gratitude to all former Heads of State for the support they have pledged during these trying times.

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