By Robert kumwenda

A concerned citizen by the name of Patrick George Mabuli has faulted church leaders on the way people are dressing in churches.

Mabuli said though there is freedom of dressing but the way people are dressing nowadays is contrary to the biblical teachings.

He said democracy came with the devil to destroy justice which God made before.

“What most prophets are teaching nowadays is quite contrary to what the bible says. Of course everyone wants to get rich but we should also know that the devil is making people to get rich in the name of the Lord,” he said.

Most prophets and church leaders does not speak anything about the way people are dressing instead they are busy telling their members that they will get rich.

He said nowadays you cannot differentiate the way people are dressing in churches and public places saying that this is mostly happening in Pentecostal churches.

“Many church leaders are busy with politics yet their duty is to preach God’s words not building school because this is the duty of government. The days we are living it will be difficult to end the challenges we are facing because it was already prophesized that these things have to come to pass.

He said church leaders should tell their members to receive Jesus first then everything will follow saying that even Jesus when he was fasting in the wilderness he met some challenges and the first challenge was a snake.

Mabuli said that Satan is deceiving many people using the people we meet everyday saying that the massages that most church leaders are preaching are misleading people.

He further said that even the leaders we have mostly in Africa are the puppets of the former colonial leaders saying that America had a black president by the name of Barack Obama but he has done very little for the black Americans.

“Many people want good things after fasting but we should not expect immediate answer because sometimes God wants to test our faith,” he said.

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