Yes if those hopes were making fuel available with prices that go up every fortnight.

Yes if those hopes were making forex available with the Malawi money reaching 40% devaluation rate.

Yes if those hopes included interfering with drug procurement leaving Malawians dying of curable diseases.

Yes if those hopes included embracing the IMF at the expense of the poor of the poorest.

Yes if those hopes included her internal & international thoughtless traveling spending when maize is being rationed and people spending days on a line to get the little rationed maize.

Yes if those hopes included about 80 thousand metric tones of maize going missing unexplained from the National Food Reserve Agency & 60,000 tones going bad in silos.

Yes if that includes the president taking trips abroad when civil servants, nurses & doctors included went on strike.

If there is any hope left for Malawi, it is that 2014 are elections coming up. My biggest regret is the picture she has painted for aspiring women leaders.

To the west world she’s an angel, to us, the people she’s leading, only God knows we can’t wait for 2014 elections. It’s been the longest year ever & we still have a long way to go. – By Doreen Jessica, Responding to the BBC Debate, April 5, 2013.

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