Ask a person who was the last person in the May elections and they will say nothing. Ask who was number seven and they will stay nothing.

After the top 4 in the May elections it appears Malawians have not bothered to find out how the eight others stand in the election results. Below is how they all stand in the outcome of the May polls:

1. DPP AP Mutharika 1, 904, 399

2. MCP L Chakwera 1, 455, 880

3. PP JB Banda 1, 056, 236

4. UDF A Muluzi 717, 224

5. PETRA K Chibambo 19, 360

6. PPM M Katsonga 15, 830

7. UP J Chisi 12, 048

8. TA G Nnesa 11, 042

9. NASAF JW Nyondo 10, 626

10. UIP H Singh 9, 668

11. NLP F Jumbe 8, 819

12. CCP D Katsonga 7, 454

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